Another Checkride
It seems that all I have been doing lately is taking checkrides. Just had the 299 with the the Feds and now I have do the prof check for my JAR FCL ATP.
I hadnt been in a small plane for about 4 months, ( I guess the Heavy drivers would call the Van small, but bear with me here )
So I go to my apointment with a Dutch examinor (has anyone ever flown with a Dutch examinor?? They make the Feds look easy)I am all stressed out, because my last JAR OPS check was in Belgium a few years ago with a good friend, and I havent thought about JAR OPS in, WEELLL lets just say quite a while. And for those of you out there who dont know, The JAR OPS theoretical portion ( particularily the Dutch standard) is just about what it would take to get a PHD.Great, I am sure that my blonde moments are stacking up to betray me at just the right times. So I get all stressed and try to study but Im so tired from doing the freight run that " my mind turns to gel"
So I figure, heck with it, I am just going to do it and if I fall on my face well then fine.
It was an evening flight, I met De Here Plooij at the Falcons Roost at ( you guessed it ) Falcon Field. Trying to remember the runways and the frequencies and the noise abatement procedures and so on.
What I really want is a beer from yon bar!
He shows up and we talk a bit, but I am not being grilled on
L =1/2(Roe)V(squared)CL(max)S (sorry, my computer doesnt have the sigils for that formula, but again, bear with me)He is just being very easy going and, well, NICE!!
He briefed the flight,then he says "ok,lets go fly" I am pinching myself!
So we go out to the ramp, little piper 140, kind and easy but...( yikes!) Underpowered as could POSSIBLY be!! ( once you go turbine, you NEVER go back)
preflight, trying to remember where all the fuel drains are and so on... and I am trying to remember the flow items from my days of instructing for KLM.
Get in start,taxi checks and flows, its all ok, its just my view... I am used to sitting so much higher and this cockpit is SO small.
Flight went well,
and then came the touch n gos!
First landing... ( we all know whats coming here!)I,of course, flare TOO HIGH but hey its ok right, because I am also TOO FAST. Goodbye thousand foot markers.., not good on a 4000 foot runway ( Crap! im thinking )oh well,after the first one I had the picture and did well. After my third landing he said "ok, we can go in" ( !!!!!! )
We debriefed, had a beer and that was that!
Next week I am starting the training for my new job, and guess what I am getting in a few weeks...........$#@%
Another checkride!!!!
Congratulations on the new job!
I often struggle with flying several different types of aircraft within a week's time span. Of course I fly the C208 regularly, but then there's the C172, C182, BE76, TB10, SR22, PA28R ... Even though these are simple aircraft, it certainly keeps you on your toes.
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